What to expect
Offer valid from 1st - 4th December
Avail our exclusive National Day offer and save AED 52 per pass!
For only AED 243 for the Snow Premium Pass, enjoy the captivating wonders of Snow Abu Dhabi as you embark on an unforgettable Enchanted Forest adventure, enveloped in a magical atmosphere.
What is included?
1. Entry to Snow Park
2. Unlimited access to 9 park rides:
- Polar Express Train
- Crystal Carousel
- Snow Hare’s Bunny Hill
- Ice and Floe’s Bumper Tubes
- Drift’s Downhill Run
- Ice and Floe’s Toboggan Race
- Graupel’s Summit Escape
- Troll Bowl
- Flight of the Snowy Owl
3. Hot Chocolate
4. Meal at the Lodge Restaurant
5. Waterproof Gloves
6, Locker
Important Booking Information
- All prices are inclusive of 5% VAT
- Children under the age of 2 are not permitted to enter Snow Abu Dhabi
Snow Park Ride Restrictions
- Drift’s Downhill Run and Snow Hare’s Bunny Hill have a minimum height restriction of 0.9m and maximum height restriction of 1.2m.
- The Crystal Carousel and Polar Express have a minimum height restriction of 1.05m. Riders below 1.05m must be accompanied by an adult.
- The Tree Slide has a minimum height restriction of 1.1m.
- Ice & Floe’s Bumper Tubes has a minimum height restriction of 1.2m.
- The Flight of the Snowy Owl has a height restriction of 1.2-2.0m and weight restriction of 30-120kg.
- The Troll Bowl has a minimum height restriction of 1.25m.
- Graupel’s Summit Escape and Ice & Floe’s Toboggan Race have a height restriction of 1.25-2.0m and weight restriction of 40-100kg.
- What we provide
- Are there any age/height restrictions?